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August 2018 quote

Do or do not. There is no try. – Yoda, Jedi Master

July 2018 quote

People who succeed have momentum. The more they succeed, the more they want to succeed, and the more they find a way to succeed. – T.Robbins

June 2018 quote

The mind that is open to new ideas will never return to its original state. – Albert Einstein #entrepreneurquote #entrepreneurlifestyle...

May 2018 quote

Fall seven times and stand up eight. – Japanese Proverb SaveSave #entrepreneurquote #entrepreneurlifestyle #favoritequote #startup...

The Benefits to being an Entrepreneur

A list of 50 benefits and reasons to consider being an entrepreneur There are many benefits to being an entrepreneur. There are many...

March 2018 Quote

Opportunities don’t happen. You create them.  – Chris Grosser SaveSave #entrepreneurquote #entrepreneurlifestyle #favoritequote #startup...

The importance of networking

Co-founder of the Entrepreneur Lifestyle Academy, Marc-André Clément shares his thoughts on networking. For more on the subject, check...

ELA – Introduction video

An introduction to the Entrepreneur Lifestyle Academy by Co-Founders Antoine Carrière and Marc-André Clément. This video is a...

February 2018 Quote

Learn from the mistakes of others. You can’t live long enough to make them all yourself. - Eleanor Roosevelt #entrepreneurquote...

Am I willing to take the risk?

Co-founder of the Entrepreneur Lifestyle Academy, Marc-André Clément shares his thoughts on risk. For more on the subject, check out...

January 2018 Quote

I have not failed. I’ve just found 10,000 ways that won’t work. - Thomas Edison #entrepreneurquote #entrepreneurlifestyle #favoritequote...

December 2017 Quote

The mind that is open to new ideas will never return to its original state. – Albert Einstein #entrepreneurquote #entrepreneurlifestyle...

Am I willing to take the risk?

Take the plunge 5/12 Most people believe entrepreneurs to be the gamblers, the “all-in!” type of people who put everything out there! And...

Do I have entrepreneurial traits?

Co-founder of the Entrepreneur Lifestyle Academy, Marc-André Clément shares his thoughts on entrepreneurial traits. For more on the...

Do I have entrepreneurial traits?

Business mean to me 1/12 Entrepreneurship has created quite a buzz in our modern society. Many believe that true freedom and fulfillment...

Do I really want to be number 1?

Take the plunge 4/12 Do you really want to be at the top? Are you OK as the last line of decision making? Are you able to be the...

November 2017 Quote

If you really look closely, most overnight successes took a long time – Steve JobsSaveSave SaveSave #entrepreneurquote #favoritequote...

Why Marc-Andre Chose The Entrepreneur Lifestyle

Why did I choose the Entrepreneur Lifestyle? Co-founder and Motivator Marc-André Clément explains why he chose to be an entrepreneur....

Why Antoine chose the Entrepreneur Lifestyle

Why did I choose the Entrepreneur Lifestyle? Co-founder and Inspirer Antoine B. Carrière explains why he chose to be an entrepreneur....

Articles & More: Blog2

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