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Full day program in French

Comprehensive training with an overview of the three Strengths development stages. Complete the CliftonStrengths assessment. Helps individuals understand the philosophy, approach and key concepts. Allows them to discover their superpowers and unique ways to contribute to their lives and to the team.




What am I great at? 
How do I pinpoint what I do best? 
How do I use my natural talents to be more successful?


The search for both meaning and success starts with these three questions. The CliftonStrengths Discovery Course will help participants answer these crucial questions. This course incorporates findings from Gallup’s extensive, ongoing research into how people can become highly effective and efficient by intentionally applying their talents and strengths.

This full day of discovery will take participants on a journey that begins with an awareness of their own unique blend of talents.

Participants will learn how to take ownership of their personal talents and strengths and to appreciate their individuality and the valuable contributions they offer. This knowledge will then help them focus on specific goals to achieve greater personal and professional success.

What You Can Expect

During this power-packed course, participants will gain a clearer path to success. Participants will learn their top talents as well as strategies and techniques to develop them.

Before attending this course, participants must complete the CliftonStrengths assessment to identify their most dominant talent themes.

During this course, participants will gain:

  • insights into their natural talents by working with their CliftonStrengths Signature Themes Report and their Strengths Insight Report
  • an understanding of how strengths develop
  • the ability to harness their talents and strengths for greater personal productivity and engagement
  • tools and insights that will help them use their natural talents to fulfill their goals and achieve their greatest potential

Participants will receive the CliftonStrengths Discovery packet. By combining the tools in the packet with the education they acquire during this course, participants will have a clearer path to success.




All workshops will be delivered online until further notice. Thank you for your comprehension.


Price does not include the cost of asseessments, participant packages and  Zoom Producer. 


** Not-for-profit or a charity? Contact us for special pricing.
** Prices shown are in US dollars. Canadian organizations please contact us about exchange rate policies.

Team | Discovery Course (Full day in French)


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