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Looking for more than just a paycheck?  

Most job sites, programs and tools focus on finding a job/paycheck but in reality, people want to have work that has an impact and also meets their needs and aspirations. We created a program that helps people better understand who they are, what they want and help them find the right position to support their professional and personal goals.  

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I don't just want to look for a job, but find something that is right long-term.
I want a new career.

If you want more than just a job that pays the bills, you are looking for something that will allow you to have work satisfaction, have an impact and to allow you to grow, you need to think career. Finding something new does not mean you have to give up on finding something good or long-lasting.


The Workplace Preparation Program will guide your understanding of what you are looking for and how your strengths, competencies, and experiences help you have the impact you desire.

Re-exploring the job market, where do I start?

Does this sound familiar?

  • I have an old resume.

  • I have just applied internally - what should I be doing for other companies?

  • What do I need to do to make my cover letter and resume ready to use?

  • How do I make my strengths, competencies and experience shine?

  • How do I show what my impact on a team and the organization will be for the potential employer?


The process of searching for a new position has changed so much. Where to start and where to focus feel like daunting tasks. If you are wondering what is your next step, let us help.

Get the career help that goes beyond applying and interviewing and select your program. 

I want a new job. With all the competition, how do I make myself stand out?


With the ever-changing work environments, you are likely finding that there are lots of people in the same position and with similar competencies, experience and training. You need to know how to stand out and sell yourself so you can launch your new career. 

The Workplace Preparation Program will help you focus on what you are truly looking for, today and for your next career. The program will also help you stand out by understanding how you will best contribute, how to present yourself, and how to use your strengths to make an impact. Select your program to unlock how to present yourself so employers can understand how you can make a difference. 

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I want to find the right position, not just any position. I want to build a career and find success.

Go beyond the job description, title and salary and find the right position for you. Understand your strengths, set strong foundations and reduce gaps in new employment realities to increase the successful launch of your new career. 

Is now really the time for a career change?


Learn whether your life is currently stable and ready to make that big change, as when it comes to impactful transformations, changing careers is one of the top.

It is therefore essential to determine if it is the right time for you to make a major career change you may have been thinking about. As they say, timing is everything. If you are thinking about making a change but have not yet done it, that may be because you are not sure if you are really ready. There are many factors that go into the decision to make a change and when to do so. Learn whether now is the right time.


Take our free assessment to help you determine where you are on your career journey.

I still have questions about our programs.

We'd love to hear from you. There are many ways that we can help to answer your questions and concerns. Select the one that is best for you.

If I make a move, I don't want to make a mistake. How do I know which position to apply for and accept?

The position you are looking for is one that allows you to feel like you fit, can shine and have opportunities to advance. Understanding yourself, what you want and the impact are the building blocks for creating a career plan.

The Workplace Preparation Program was designed to help you know yourself, your strengths, competentcies and expectations so that you create your own pathway to success. Discover how to find a position that will motivate, energize and recognize you by participating in one of our programs.

I'd like to explore a new position. How can I make sure that I find something that's right for me?

In order to find the right position and long-term career, it is important to first understand what you are looking for and what will allow you to be at your best. These foundational pieces such as discovering your talents, understanding your Why, determining the right culture and environment, knowing who is the best type of leader for you and so much more are part of the success pathway. 

It is possible to reflect and find all this information on your own, yet having someone guide you through the process acts as an accelerant. Don't wait until you are desperate and in crisis mode, start your process of identifying the filters which will allow you to identify the ideal career for you. Join our 1-day overview or the complete 10-day intensive that covers all of the 20 modules. 

Are you a senior at college/university or recently graduated?

We have programs that were specifically developed for you to help with the transition from a learning environment to the workplace. Click to find out more. 

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I don't want to get stuck on the hampster wheel of job hopping if I decide to make the change.

So many people get caught up in the attraction of a great company, a great job posting, the right title and the large pay, but end up realizing that they want more out of their position. unfortunately, this reality of being stuck in the hampster wheel of searching for a great job without ever changing our approach is far too common. Break the cycle by moving beyond the traditional job application and interview process to understand all of the other elements that will help make your next position, the right one.  

I want to start right away

You don't want to wait until the next workshop?
Prefer to do the work on your own?
Then move straight to ordering a printed version of the workbook on Amazon.

Am I really satisfied with my current career path?



Have you been questioning your career path lately?

Do you have a love/hate relationship with your career path?

Are you really satisfied with the journey you are on?

Find out how satisfied you actually are.


A career moves beyond the current and actual job: the tasks you complete, the deliverables to meet and the paycheck you receive. A career includes a greater direction and sense of purpose that it set over time. For this reason, most people want to feel like they are on the career path that they are meant to be on. 

Why should I pay for a program with you when I can get free advice from my local career center?

Yes, most regions and cities have great career centers that offer workshops and services that are free to you. They will support you in the traditional method of searching job boards, applying for a position with a generic resume, expanding your search and application in order to broaden your opportunities, and preparing you for the interview process.


Understand that this gets you a job. It gets does get you a paycheque. It gets you into employment, which is what these centers were created to help you with.


But they will most likely not help you find a position that will allow you to grow and thrive. It will most likely not help you find a position that motivates you and allows you to excel. It will most likely not help you find your next long-term career.  This is where our Workplace Preparation programs fill the gaps and support your successful career pathway.


I am applying. And applying. Why am I not getting any interviews or offers?

Having a concise resume, a solid cover letter and knowledge of keyword searches is a great start. And understanding what titles and departments you should be applying to is equally important. But often, this is an incomplete process. 


Understanding what organization you should be considering, which culture will allow you to thrive, and what type of manager and team will be great for you are just some of the elements we explore in our Workplace Preparation program.  

The Workplace Prep Program will help you position yourself as the ideal candidate for the right positions, allowing you to focus on the positions that will launch your next career. Reserve your spot to move beyond a job hunt. 

What are the differences between the programs?

We built the Workplace Preparation Programs to support you in stages.  This was done so that you can decide how much assistance you want and/or need.


  • This is an initial way to find out your current stage and need

  • Worksheets to support your launching of a new career


  • This is the tool for the One-Day workshop  

  • Printed and digital versions are included


  • This is a quick introduction and snapshot of the key elements of the full program 

  • It covers the key information to better understand yourself, set the foundation, know how to look for a career and have a concrete way forward

  • Participants are required to have completed the StrengthsFinder 2.0 or CliftonStrengths assessment 


  • Access an expert for an hour-long session where you will be able to address your specific concerns, realities and objectives


  • Choose one of the four sections of successfully finding a new position: (1) Transform your mindset, (2) Understand you at work, (3) Set the plan, and (4) Find the right position

  • Each section will include an additional assessment, a book and as well as many worksheets

  • Each section will cover specific areas of finding the right position for you,and launch a successful new career


  • The entire 4 sections

  • The Ten Day Intensive Training is a deep dive into the realities of strengths in the workplace, and how to apply them so that you can better showcase yourself in the workplace and in the planning for your future

  • There are a total of 4 sections totaling 20 modules that will be delivered (or 2 per day)

  • The 10-Day Intensive includes unlocking all 34 CliftonStrengths, additional assessments, books to support the journey as well as many worksheets

  • This program covers the whole spectrum of the key information required to find the right position and start a successful new career

TEN COACHING SESSIONS - $2,250 when paired with the 10-Day

  • program to access the experts in order to get personalized guidance and recommendations

  • A strong complement to the 10-Day Intensive ​

PRIVATE COHORT FOR 20+ PEOPLE - $2,400 per participant

  • Offer the Ten-Day Intensive program to a group of individuals all undergoing the process of looking for a new career

  • This option focuses on the realities and the particularities of a specific group of individuals

  • Various delivery options are available, both virtually and in-person

  • Find out more by clicking here


  • For far less than the cost of an additional semester, and in order to ensure that your degree was a worthwhile investment

  • A variant to the program that focuses on helping grads become new employees on the job market, avoid job hopping and help set a career path in motion

  • This program also helps to bridge the gap between the realities of the college/university setting to the realities of the workplace, helping the next generation be successful right from the start of their career

  • Find out more by clicking here

I am really unsure on how to successfully proceed to secure the ideal career for me.

Make sure that every application you send paints the correct portrait of your abilities and experience in the most positive way possible. 


There is a familiar question we oftern here: exactly what information should I include? 


You know what you are good at, but how do you make sure employers understand this too?

You want to discover the tips and tricks that will allow you not only to be considered for a position, but also to shine. 

And strengths-based development is a great foundation for this, which is the reason that the program uses this approach as a core element.  This will allow you to have a common language to describe who you are and what you can do, accessing a variety of productive and impactful ways to describe your unique contribution to your future position, the team and the company.

I am still uncertain how much help I actually need.

Reach out to us in order to make the right program selection. There are many ways that we can help to answer your questions and concerns. Choose what is best for you.


Time to invest in yourself.

Think about all the money and resources you have used for your betterment, may it be a degree, certifications, workshops, books, time, energy, or sweat. Often, there has been someone there to help you understand and guide you. The Workplace Preparation programs can continue to do this. It's another way to set the foundation for career growth and success. Discover how to find and launch a career that will allow you to be at your best. Choose the date your workshop today, 

Frequently Asked Questions

Where did the idea for the Workplace Preparation programs come from? This program arose from seeing the discontent, job hopping, and lack of understanding that the workforce is experiencing. As a career seeker facing these changes, you need to understand who you are, how you work to your strengths and how to showcase this understanding in order to find the position that is right for you. It is the goal of this program to bridge this understanding and to help participants succeed in the workplace.

Why did you choose to use a strengths-based approach as the foundation for your programs? Strengths-based development is about helping people recognize, develop, and learn to apply the talents that they naturally have to achieve their goals. When a person taps into this source of talent, wisdom and power, they gain the ability to transform their lives and pathways to success. We fully believe that this positive and empowering approach is the best foundation to creating the success that we all want.

My degree and/or my experience are all that I will need to be successful. Why do I need this program? Degrees and experiences are awesome, but how do you give yourself permission to explore what is best for you. To do this you must understanding how to know yourself, what you want, and how to best show your strengths will help you find the right position to build a career. The Workplace Preparation Program was designed to help you walk through this process and to build a career pathway that will help you find maximum success.

Why can't I just submit my resume to as many job postings as possible to make sure that I do not miss an opportunity? Yes, you can but it will require a lot of time and effort. If you want to find the right position, you need to take the time and effort to research, explore and tailor your application information to match the job description, match the key word skills and to be able to paint yourself in the best light possible. Doing this will help you make sure that you are finding the right position that you can grow, stay and thrive in.

Why are you proposing an approach that is so different from others on the market? It is evident that we are in need of a new approach. Employees are no longer willing to live to work. They want to work to live and are seeing that they need to make sure that their needs, want and dreams are part of the decision process. By taking the time, effort and investment to learn about yourself and what success looks like for you, the Workplace Preparation Program will help you develop you a pathway to the life you have always wanted.

Why do I need more than just a paycheck and a title from a great job description? Money and recognition have always been the benchmark for success, but many people find that they begin to look for more. Work life balance and feeling like you can make a difference are becoming more and more important.  The Workplace Preparation Program is designed to help you identify, plan and implement career success that paycheck and title will not.​

I've applied for jobs before and landed them. Why should I work with you this time around? The application process has changed. Most employers are using applicant tracing systems to complete the initial selection of applicants. You will need to make sure that you highlight the way in which you specifically meet the criteria for the position.  ​ This program was designed to help you Understand how to emphasize the position keywords and requirements, and how to make your strengths, competencies, and experience standout.  Successfully executing this is the best way to make sure that move on to the next step in the hiring process.

Can't I just watch a bunch of videos on successfully applying to jobs, and land one without having to spend money on one of your programs? The short answer is "Yes", but how do you know that the advice that you are following is going to benefit you? The Workplace Preparation Program has research, experience and guidance to support the information and training we offer. Do you want to try or succeed in finding a career you can flourish in?

The workplace trend is not to stay in one place anymore. Hopping from job to job will help me find more money and better recognition. What is the benefit of planning a career? Always looking for the next great opportunity is currently the norm, but employees are not always finding the greener grass once the hop has been made. Taking the time to understand what you want and how you can create the long term plan that will help build a career is the best way to find the success and validation that can put en end to the need to look and climb over the fence to the next opportunity.

There are a lot of people claiming to be experts out there. How can I know you are actually one of them? Knowing how to best describe and showcase your strengths, competenties and experience so that you are the choice for the position. This process is not easy and most people are not good at being positive about themselves.  Finding a source that can guide you to be successful in this process is very important.  The Workplace Prepatation Program is that source.

I have been working with CliftonStrengths for a while now. What more will I learn from your programs? Theory and Practice combined are required to become an expert.  Understanding yourself and how to build upon your knowledge and strengths will allow you to create the career you want.​

I know someone who could benefit from your programs. How can I help them get in contact with you? Are they struggling to find the right position? Did they recently start a new job and they already want something else? Let us know and it will be our pleasure to reach out to them.

Are you an employer who has recently had to lay-off members of your team?

Would you like to find new ways to support them to find new opportunities? We can deliver our programs specifically for them, and create an environment where they are surrounded by others who understand their situation and might be able to support each other. 

The experts behind the programs

Colleen Nobert

Certified Career Coach | Master in Education

Colleen has 20 years of experience teaching and coaching secondary students, as they learn to make the transition into adult life and employment. She brings her vast experience with the realities and expectations of employment, exploration of personal strengths and pathways to professional success.

Antoine B. Carrière

Principal Course Leader | Gallup Certified Strengths Coach

Antoine is a seasoned course leader, coach, and entrepreneur. He has operated multiple businesses over the past 20 years and has had the opportunity to work with hundreds. He has worked in private, not-for-profit and government positions locally, nationally and internationally. Antoine works with employers around the globe and is helping to transform the next generation of successful small businesses through his discussions, his workshops and his coaching. He readily uses his CliftonStrengths of Maximizer, Strategic, Arranger, Ideation, and Communication to design, develop and deliver incredible training. Throughout the pandemic, he has continued to deliver half, full and multi-day workshops where he has amazed participants that they were able to stay engaged for such long sessions.


I have been working with a CliftonStrengths team. How do I lean into these talents to find the right position, right now?

I like the impact of CliftonStrengths. I like how they help me in getting my work done. I appreciate how they support me in communicating with my colleagues, and my leadership team.


I want to use my themes to be successful in searching for a new position. I want to know how to use my strengths, competencies and experience to build a new career.

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The Components

The program will set a solid base on which to build a successful career in the workplace



Setting the foundation for success means to set the right expectations, integrate strengths-based development approaches, develop core competencies and shift the mindset to a new workplace.



The more individual knows themselves, the more they are able to be a top performer and an active contributor to the team, and the organization.



Understanding what you are searching for as a new position, what are the elements of the workplace that will allow you not only to complete the work but to excel as well as how to find and confirm you have identified and are applying for the right opportunities.



Establishing your pathway/plan is key to ensuring that the development, the effort, the energy and the decisions you are making are supporting the success you envision in the end. Although there are unknowns, having a way forward helps make the journey concrete.



Not only will the program include all of this great content and the supporting workbooks, it will also offer additional assessments and supporting books.

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