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Product Overview

  • Find out how you can use your CliftonStrengths to help you connect with clients and increase your success
  • Discover ways that each of your themes can help you with your sales role


CliftonStrengths Sales Report is for anyone who would like concrete ideas on how to create get greater success in their sales role.


The report features sections about how your strengths can help you succeed and how they may get in the way of your success. These components of self-discovery are for more than just awareness. They will help you navigate the sales tasks, customer conversations and revenue outcomes you’re investing in daily.


With tactical action items and reflection questions to help form stronger awareness of yourself, the CliftonStrengths for Sales report will be the tool you need to achieve sales excellence.


What You’ll Get

  • Sales-specific theme descriptions
  • How each theme contributes to your success
  • How each theme might get in the way of your success
  • Action items that will increase your sales effectiveness
  • Reflection questions you can come back to time and again
  • A resource built to help you achieve your greatest goals


IMPORTANT: Code and instructions will be sent via email within three (3) to twenty-four (24) hours after your purchase. Do not hesitate to contact us should you have any questions.


* Prices shown are in US dollars. 

CliftonStrengths | Sales Report


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