We [I] wish to acknowledge that the lands on which we operate our office are part of the traditional territories of the Anishinaabeg, Algonquin and Mohawk Peoples.
About the centre
Established in 2016 by Gallup-certified coach Antoine Carrière, the Strengths Performance Centre helps people discover and use their talents so that they can be satisfied at work, attaining the desired meaning and impact. It is also the first centre that focuses on the development of CliftonStrengths in French.
Globally, the centre works only with certified, qualified and competent coaches who are also strong champions of CliftonStrengths, offering programs to help clients integrate the strengths approach into their current approaches.
Our Why
To help individuals and teams develop their talents to realize their goals and achieve excellence.
Our Vision
CliftonStrengths and strengths-based development become the foundation for team and individual development at work. The Centre is a go-to place for quality course leaders and coaches who fundamentally believe that Strengths will change the way that we succeed around the globe, may it be in the United States, Canada, North Africa, West Africa, Central Africa, or anywhere else in the world.
The people who make things happen
Antoine B. Carrière
Antoine is a seasoned coach, trainer and entrepreneur. He has worked in private, not-for-profit as well as federal government positions delivering programs and projects locally, provincially and nationally.
Antoine has a facility to clarify the vision, to develop overall direction, is level headed and will help determine the best approach to reach objectives. His mission is to help and inspire people.
As a strengths-based coach and course leader, Antoine believes that every one is unique and every one has the potential to excel in their own way. Each person is naturally inclined to do or act in a certain matter, one that is uniquely their own.
Quickly see the best of options through brainstorming to get better results
RELATOR: The more you know someone and be honest about yourself, the better the relationship
STRATEGIC: Possibilities create original approaches that challenge the status quo and springboard others
MAXIMIZER: Focus on the greatest potential where there is talent through cooperation and positive thinking
ACHIEVER: Find as many opportunities to focus on what I do best - the more you know me, the more you get
ARRANGER: Best work is with others who are go-getters to discuss possibilities and large impact

Colleen Nobert
Colleen is the career specialits. She brings 20 years of experience teaching and coaching students, as they learn to make the transition into adult life and employment.
She brings her vast experience with the realities and expectations of employment, exploration of personal strengths and pathways to professional success.
Partner Strengths Coaches

Larry A. Hultberg
Executive Coach specializing in Organizational Change and Design, he brings experience from corporate America in companies such as Accenture and the Washington 2024 Bid Committee, his tenure as faculty at Georgetown University as well as a significant career in the US Air Force.

Tiffany McLaughlin
Focused on strengths-based parenting and empowering young girls and women to become the leaders of tomorrow.
James Kolawole Ladipo
Focused on integrating strengths into immigrant communities in Canada and in English speaking countries in West Africa.

Lorraine Govender
Focused on corporate executive coaching, specializing in women leadership, women entrepreneurs and the automotive industry.

Behind The Scenes Team
Keltoum Abalil
Keltoum is passionate and dedicated to her work. As Director of Operations, she helps keep the wheels of the company turning, focusing primarily on the implementation and monitoring of operational systems and processes. Customer satisfaction is her priority and brings a positive perspective to her work.

Véronique Carrière
Véronique is the person who leads our design process as well as helps support the day-to-day operations.
Harmonie Mandono
Harmonie is our lead Zoom Producer who assists our trainers during their online workshops. She is also supporting the day-to-day operations of the centre.

Industry Partners

Dr. Nivin
A physician specializing in Pediatric medicine, blending Western and Eastern practices for better client health.